

Modeling & Simulation

NATC offers a full range of computer aided engineering (CAE) capabilities, covering finite element analysis (FEA) of components up to simulation of full system multi-body dynamics.  We work with our customers to tailor, as needed, all aspects of design, development, and testing, including simulation and validation, fatigue life estimations, threat survivability analysis, and component failure analysis.  We perform virtual tests of full vehicle models to analyze and predict vehicle ride quality and dynamics, both over digitized versions of actual test courses and through discrete test events.  We use physical test data to calibrate, verify, and validate models, allowing for vehicle handling predictions and failure prediction and analysis.  We also perform FEA to suggest locations for monitoring strain and optimizing data collection during physical testing.

NATC’s CAE capabilities include:

  • Full vehicle dynamic modeling/simulation
  • Ride quality, handling, and mobility analysis
  • Test data analysis and model correlation
  • Component load case generation
  • Finite element analysis with fatigue life prediction capability
  • Soft soil traction simulation
  • Threat survivability simulation and analysis
  • Control system modeling and integration
  • Modal and resonance analysis
  • Fuel and electrical energy consumption
  • Fuel and nonfuel vehicle operating costs

Full Vehicle Dynamic Modeling/Simulation

Vehicle Virtual Modeling Tests