Mobility Solutions
NATC offers extensive experience in design and development solutions to vehicle mobility challenges, from the component level to systems and whole vehicles.
Learn More >NATC offers extensive experience in design and development solutions to vehicle mobility challenges, from the component level to systems and whole vehicles.
Learn More >Determined to accelerate next generation automotive technologies, NATC has proven knowledge of and commitment to developing systems that support autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle operation. We have over 50 years’ experience in conducting tests and working in a collaborative environment with our customers.
Learn More >NATC has been committed to the development of unique vehicle electronics and automotive specific acquisition systems for 40 years. Our electronic systems are developed for incorporation into military and commercial vehicles.
Learn More >NATC conducts safety assessments for developmental and production vehicles across the automotive industry. Developing a safe vehicle platform has and always will be an underlying requirement for any program, and we focus on completing effective safety assessments in support of safety releases.
Learn More >NATC excels at maintaining representative and repeatable test courses, which is key to our history of success in vehicle testing and duty cycle correlation. We ensure that each test course is adequately representative of the real-word user environment as it was designed to be.
Learn More >NATC’s technical and diverse engineering staff provide the experience and holistic view necessary for analyzing and designing complex vehicle systems and providing engineering solutions over the systems’ life cycles.
Learn More >NATC provides complete CAD, 3-D scanning, and reverse engineering services using the latest hardware and software. Whether our customers need to verify as-built components to theoretical 3-D CAD models, generate 3-D CAD models from actual components, or analyze test articles before and after testing, we are the one-stop solution.
Learn More >NATC offers a full range of computer aided engineering capabilities, covering finite element analysis of components up to simulation of full system multi-body dynamics. We work with our customers to tailor all aspects of design, development, and testing.
Learn More >NATC supports the design, operation, and validation of commercial and military vehicles. Commercial development programs range from vocational, agricultural, light utility vehicle, and passenger vehicles to class 8 trucks. For the military, we develop technology demonstrator vehicles.
Learn More >Human factors solutions represent a significant part of the design process when developing or upgrading a vehicle. NATC’s vehicle technology engineering department delivers a full systems approach to provide functional, affordable, and sustainable improvements to an existing platform or "clean sheet of paper" prototype.
Learn More >NATC offers a full range of computer aided engineering (CAE) capabilities, covering finite element analysis (FEA) of components up to simulation of full system multi-body dynamics. We work with our customers to tailor, as needed, all aspects of design, development, and testing, including simulation and validation, fatigue life estimations, threat survivability analysis, and component failure analysis. We perform virtual tests of full vehicle models to analyze and predict vehicle ride quality and dynamics, both over digitized versions of actual test courses and through discrete test events. We use physical test data to calibrate, verify, and validate models, allowing for vehicle handling predictions and failure prediction and analysis. We also perform FEA to suggest locations for monitoring strain and optimizing data collection during physical testing.
NATC’s CAE capabilities include: